Hello Everyone, today I will be teaching you how to start a Minecraft world.


As soon as you spawn (We are going to guess that you spawn in a biome with trees as that is the most likely) gather 30 wood planks, make them into planks (the type of wood doesn't have to matter) and then craft a crafting table. Once you have done that, craft these tools


-Wooden Axe

-Wooden Sword

-Wooden Shovel

-Wooden Pickaxe

-Wooden Hoe


Once you have crafted these, mine a staircase next to your crafting table deep enough to reach stone. Now, gather 19+ stone and then craft these things


- Stone Axe

- Stone Sword

- Stone Shovel

- Stone Pickaxe

- Stone Hoe

- Furnace


Now all you need to do is look around for some animals and kill them for food and you MUST kill 3 sheep. Once you have got more than 32 food in total, smelt all of them with your wooden tools and if you do not manage to cook all of the food, it does not matter, as long as you have more than 10 cooked food. Now, take a look at where you spawned and see if there are any caves in the ground, if there are then go into it, if there aren't any, keep looking.


Once you have found a cave, go in and mine coal and iron and copper, these are the only materials you can mine right now. Once you have got more than 40 raw iron, smelt it all in a furnace with the coal you have mined. With all this, craft these things



- Iron Chestplate - 8 iron ingots

- Iron Leggings - 7 iron ingots

- Iron Helmet - 5 iron ingots

- Iron Boots - 4 iron ingots

- Iron Sword - 2 iron ingots

- Iron Axe - 3 iron ingots

- Iron Pickaxe - 3 iron ingots

- Iron Shovel - 1 iron ingot

- Iron Hoe - 2 iron ingots.

- Shield - 1 iron ingot


Once you have crafted these things, you are ready to gather materials and then build a base.