Hi everyone, today I am going to teach you how to make a intro on scratch.


Also, can you please follow my account on scratch - My Profile

Step 1

Make a new project


Step 2


Write the name for the project - (Username)_Intro


Step 3


Add a sprite with any image you want, this will be the background. Remember - It has to be a sprite, not a background or it will not work


Step 4


Make sprites like this but with your name instead

We will call the sprite above 'Circle'

 We will call the sprite above 'Text'


Step 5 


Put the text under the circle and then we will move onto the code


 Step 6


Write this code in the Circle Sprite



Write this code in the Text Sprite



Write this code in the background sprite



It is now finished, if it has any problems, contact me in the forum.


Thank you,


Gamer Club