Hello everyone, at this stage, you should have netherite armour. In this tutorial, I am going to teach you what to do in the end.



Make 16 eyes of ender and then use them to get to the stronghold. Once it heads down into the ground then you are above the stronghold. Mine down until you reach the stronghold and look around for the portal room. Insert the eyes of ender to get to the end and then go to where the bedrock area is on the center of the end island. Start shooting at all the end crystals until they are all gone and then wait until the dragon comes down and then hit it as many times as you can and repeat that process. Once the dragon has been defeated, pearl into one of the end gateway portals and you have been teleported away, towards the end citys.


Keep exploring until you find a end city. Loot it and make sure to watch out for the shulkers guarding the treasure. If they hit you with a bullet, you will be flying into the air and then eventually fall to the ground and possibly die. Kill the shulkers for shulker shells and make as many shulker boxes as you can. Put all the loot into the shulker boxes. Look for an end ship, take the dragon head, elytra, potions and loot and then you can fly back to the overworld, with all your loot.


This is the end of the tutorial, I hope it helped you.


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